I hope this finds
everyone well & ready to enjoy the summer. I was hoping to be talking
about the heat & tans & swimming & sunshine; but it seems
rainy, cold & windy is about all there is & I don't want to talk
about that. I just glanced out the window & one of t he
ducks is here eating! There are around 6 that come here to eat regularily.
They are so cute & are getting quite familiar with us & will come
up to the house & quack if there is no food! The other day while I
was walking Jonah I heard this rustling & when I looked up there was
a deer standing up & walking away. He couldn't have been 50 ft from
us! I enjoy the wildlife so much. It is very relaxing to me to sit &
watch the birds out my window or to see the wildlife when I'm out walking.
I have recently learned that Pittsford Animal
Hospital is no longer the 24 hr. emergency clinic. The new 24 hr. facility
is ANIMAL EMERGENCY SERVICE 825 White Spruce Blvd. 424-1277 White Spruce
Blvd is opposite Monroe Community College off E.Henrietta Rd. Please post
this new info somewhere where you can locate it quick in case of an emergency
with your pet requiring immediate medical care.
The Kodak
Falcons have hatched!! But only 2 of the eggs hatched so Mariah &
Kaver are the proud parents of 2 babies. Its fun to watch them now as
they grow & try out their wings so check out the site if you have
time. On the furry side- I finally got to go visit & care for
& Lu-Lea
while Tomalee & Joe finally went away. But to my surprise they came
home a couple days early! Seems Joe likes doing that, weeellll--Joe---now
that I am the sitter for your kittys , coming home early is not an option
as it cuts terribly into my "spoiling" time!! Now, staying longer
is absolutely acceptable!! I hope the early return had nothing to do with
the fact that I set the alarm off in their house. Ahh- I guess it was
bound to happen! Seven years in business & I've never set off an alarm.
No problems when
I went to visit an old friend- Sam. Sam is a black labrador that I watched
probably 4 or 5 years ago so it was fantastic to see him again & see
he was doing well. I met Darcy & Mimi while Mom Pat was gone for a
day! The only part of Mimi I saw well was her rear end running away! She
did stop before running down the stairs & looked at me for a minute
or 2, she is a beautiful Burmese & Darcy is Siamese. Wonderful kittys
& I hope I get to see more of them. I will be caring for SinJin later
this month while Karen & Ted are gone. SinJin is a 35 lb Toy Poodle!!
Toy?? Oky doky !! But that is what SinJin is-his genes just aren't aware
of that! Also met Kitty-kind-of-- I peeked at Kitty who was hiding under
the quilt! I'm looking foward to anaother challenge of coaxing the shy
kitty over to me. I found out yesterday that Annabelle has a new sister-
Mia the cat ! Can't wait to meet her & welcome her to
our buddy family!!
Good news- We didn't loose any buddies this
past month! Cyra
is doing well after surgery, healing nicely & getting back to normal.
Too bad "Mom" wasn't as calm as Cyra about the whole ordeal!
hehehehe That's part of being a mom I guess!!
I suppose I should start my gang on their
flea treatment one of these days. With the weather so drab & cold
I haven't thought much about treating them, but its time as I'm sure before
long the mosquitos & fleas will be biting and trying to spread worms
and disease. The new treatments from the Veternarians all work very well
and are well worth the money for the comfort of our buddies. Talk to your
doctor about which is best for your pet. I found out last year that there
is a combination product for the cats that prevents heartworm. I tried
giving my gang the heartworm pill for cats but none of them would eat
it so I was thrilled to get the topical stuff. Heartworm has a much higher
incidence of causing death in cats than in dogs so it is extremely important
that cats be given preventative medications also.
Did anyone watch the Pet Psychic on Animal
Planet Monday nite? It was very interesting, but I'm not totally convinced
yet. She is on every Monday at 8 PM so if you have a  chance-check
it out & let me know what you think. I'm a bit of a skeptic when it
comes to those type of things on TV as I think how do I know they didn't
stop the camera & discuss the issues? I have to be an actual part
of it before I believe. She did supposedly talked to some animals that
had passed on & that was interesting. If she is really capable, the
animals told her they become our angels, which I've always believed on
my own anyway. A few years ago I did call one on the phone and had a session
which still didn't convince me altho there were a couple "strange"
things she said. I remember the one specifically cause it was kind-a eerie-
she made her connection with Sammy and said to me "Oh-he's beautiful".
Then she started to giggle a bit & I asked her why & she said
Sammy told her "I am a BOY, I'm Handsome!" I got chills cause
that is something I say all the time to any boy animal!! If I or anyone
else say he's beautiful I always answer-"he's a Boy, he's Handsome!"
I had called her to "talk" to Max at the time & I do have
to admit that there were some things she told me he was saying that did
"work out" as a few months went by. But there was also some
things about Max or the kittys that just didn't fit or come to any positive
conclusion. I'm still questioning. If anyone else out there has ever had
a session with a pet psychic I would love to hear about it! That whole
area with people & animals is extremely fascinating to me.
Sadly I will be saying goodbye to the Pets
of The Month for June in a couple months. Spike
& Lady
will be moving out of state & I will be missing them terribly. I love
those 2 cats & I did see them quite often since Kathy & Dick went
to visit their grandson a lot. Spike & Lady
always reminded me of the old 50's era-the tough biker type-Spike with
the proper sophisticated Lady. And of course Lady will always have the
distinction of being the first cat I ever had to give a bath to after
she rolled in "poop". I made both the Pets of the Month since
they will be leaving our family but most certainly not my heart. They
will forever have a treasured piece of my heart no matter how far they
go and they will always be remembered fondly. I wish the best of luck
to the whole family in their new home, state & life.
That's it for this month. I sure hope the weather warms up! I really hope
I get to see many of you in the next few months! Until then I think of
you often & I send smootchys to you all & I will always