Can it be---- can
it be that Spring has finally sprung!! We had some
beautiful days here this past week & I was lovin' every
minute of it! Even my dogs on the daily walks-Tessy,
Fenway, Max, Panda & for 1 week I had Houston &
Brandy were full of energy when the temperatures rose &
boy did they "work" me! But that's OK cause
when that sun is shining & it's warm I feel like a million

I hope you all get a chance to check
out the new photo album-there is a picture in there of Panda
that shows just what I go thru when I try to take pictures
of my fluffy buddies! It took me many many tries to
get a picture of Panda cause as you can see----every time
I put the camera to my eye she had to come running over
to me to see what it was! There are 2 things I can
expect on the day I bring my camera & that is, that
I will spend extra time on that trip & that I will laugh
til my side hurts! These past couple weeks have
been quite the time in my house! Shaney got an urinary
tract infection on the morning that he was scheduled to
visit the Veterinarian for his annual check-up! Shey,
Sammy & Sidney were also scheduled for that afternoon,
so I took Shaney in the morning & dropped him
off as I wasn't sure whether he had the UTI or if he had
stones & was blocked. When I took the other 3
boys in that after noon, I picked
up Shaney & his medications. Then the
fun starts as Shaney is not very fond of me since I am the
one who is always putting those disgusting things down his
throat. So when a cat gets scared & wants to get
away they try to hide & Shaney's favorite place to hide
is under the waterbed! So 2 times a day for over a
week I am shimmying my way under the waterbed & then
trying to maneuver my arms around & hang on to him while
giving him the pill! I want you to know that the opening
under the bed is only as wide as I am & I have to be
on my belly. I can't get under the bed from the front
'cause I can't make the turn to go down the center, so I
have to creep from the back of the bed and guess where Shaney
"hides"? In the front of the
bed!! So I am creeping the whole length of the
bed! He goes under there the minute he hears me
come home & if I had a choice, I prefer he
is there as if I block it off then he goes outside &
I would never catch him! Anyway, last Monday, when
I was so pleased that Shaney's meds were done, doesn't the
UTI come back with a vengeance & drop poor Shaney like
a fly! I really thought the little guy was dead!
He was laying under a 6" shelf up against the wall
& when I moved the cart out he didn't even move or resist
when I put him in the carrier. So back to Veterinarian
& she gave him fluids & pain killer & anti-inflammatory
& antibiotic! The best part- More meds to bring
home!! Yaaayyy!!! Thought I was
getting a little chubby & needed to squeeze under that
good-ole waterbed for another week & 1/2 !! I
tell you all right now- anyone who wants to go on
a diet & loose some inches, can come straight over here
& in addition to the waterbed crawl, we can attempt
to cut Max's nails or give him a bath-those are great workouts
too. !! I think Shaney is on the mend now-he
is running all around & eating & giving me a real
hard time about getting his meds-that's always a good sign!
I bought some holistic liquids to add to his food from now
on that is supposed to promote a healthy urinary tract so
we shall see how this all works out!
I have some new buddies that I met &
added to our family these past couple months. Remember
Dusty who passed away almost a year ago? Well-his Mom Sue
went to the Animal Service League last fall & adopted
2 kitties! Mom cat is Diamond & she is 8 years old
& with her was her daughter-Chewy who is 5. They
both were having a terrible adjustment & the wonderful
people at the ASL expected to have Diamond & Chewy for
ever as they were not attracting the potential adopters, that
is, until big-hearted, love-filled Sue walked in the door!!
Both Diamond & Chewy have settled in to a fantastic home
& life & are flourishing!! I had the great opportunity
to spend time with them last weekend & we had so much
fun! I still have to be cautious, not move to quickly
or try to grab them, but they didn't run & hide &
they loved the Cat Dancer & Cat Charmer toys! And
they got lots & lots of petting! During Easter
week I will be visiting 3 new kitties living with Melody-Tabitha,
Spencer & Katie. I am looking forward to playing
with them-Spencer is a purebred American Shorthair; Katie
is a British Shorthair & Tabitha is a Maine Coon that
looks just like Shaney! I want to also welcome
Squeaky & Morris who's Dad is Harold. They are both
orange cats & unfortunately Squeaky is very shy &
all I saw of her was her back-end running to the basement.
But Morris stayed out to entertain me. I don't remember
if last time it was mentioned that Kay called me one night
desperately needing a sitter as the one she had scheduled
had just canceled & Kay was leaving the next day!
So I was
thrilled to find waiting for me when I accepted
the job Jonah,
Monki & Fred! The later 2 being 8 month old
kittens! Check out their pictures too -they are so adorable!
Jonah & I had a couple times of adjusting, but he soon
accepted me & we ended up having a blast! Jonah
is so sweet with the kittens-I wished I could've taken my
Max to him for some lessons!! Not that Max is nasty-just
a bit too rambunctious & excitable ! (100 lbs. of
excitable!!) I also met Peek-A-Boo
& Bailey! I visited them during one of the worst snow
accumulations we had this winter while Amy & Jerry were
off getting the sun! I was positively pleased that I
made every single trip without a problem thanks to my 4x4
truck!! I even pulled all the way up in the driveway
thru 10" of snow!
Guess what I got thru Email
yesterday?? I got an invitation to join the Pet
Sitters website ring!! So now you will be able to click
into the ring from my website & one
by one flip thru a bunch of other web sites belonging to Pet
Sitters! I thought that was quite an honor to be asked-the
person who runs the ring must've liked what he saw! Once
it's up & going I hope you all take a look-should be fun.
(& then you can write me & tell me how mine is the best-est!!)
As I said earlier-looks like Spring is
finally here which means that
windows will be opening, cleaning will be
on it's way & lots of new dangers for my fluffy buddies!
When you are opening the windows for the first time, please
double check the screens so no pet goes falling out a window.
During the cleaning, if you are going to leave a door open
so it's easier carrying things out, please make sure the fluffies
are confined into a room so there is no escaping. Our
pets get confused when they make the mad dash out & some
forget their way back & all kinds of terrible things can
happen. Oh- & if your pet is an outdoor fluffy-please
do a thorough check of the places it is likely to roam. A
most disturbing event happened in Batavia -the Mother of one
of my customers found a kitty with a leg-hold trap on her
leg! She tried to catch the kitty so that she could
help her, but the kitty was too scared & hobbled off.
This poor little kitty has not been seen for 2 weeks now &
we don't know if someone else found her ( I hope!) or
if some other awful fate occurred. It's up to us to
protect our little buddies & to remember that there are
some very nasty cruel people we have to share this earth with!
Check where your pets are during your Spring activities so
there are no reports of accidents. Also as the flowers start
blooming & you want that sweet smell in your home- please
be sure kitty mouths stay off as many flowers & plants
are poisonous to animals or cause a stomach upset &
illness if ingested. The Easter bunny is coming-no chocolate
for our pets!! Fill their baskets with treats or toys!
Have a very Happy Easter!
I'm looking forward to seeing lots of you over the vacation,
& I'm hoping to see more of you this summer. In the
meantime-stay safe & happy & as always-----
Jill & the Fluffy Gang