Here I am sitting at my computer with no contacts or glasses
& I can see !! I had the 2nd. eye lasered a
couple weeks ago & they are both healing up nicely and
getting clearer by the day. This has to be the best
thing I have done for myself ---oooops-- make that second
best-starting my Pet Sitting business is the best !! That's
because I got to meet the best dogs & cats in the whole
wide world!
Well-on the medication front- Shaney was on his
meds for 1 month & they ran out last Sunday. Now
we have to see if he has another relapse since if he does,
it will probably mean meds for the rest of his life.
He along with the other 5, have been eating only the special
urinary food so I sure hope that it enough to keep Shaney
healthy! In the meantime poor Kwan got sick.
Of course-3 days after Shaney stops meds, I am now giving
Kwan pills! & guess where Kwan likes to spend time??
10 points to whoever guessed under the waterbed!!!
Kwan's problem is respiratory infection-he's been sneezing
& sneezing. I think he's going for the Guinness Book of
World Records on consecutive sneezes!. Unfortunately
tho, he was so congested that we think he couldn't put his
head down to eat so he stopped eating & lost a bit of
weight. Now that he is on an antihistamine he is eating
loads & on his way to recovery too !! Why does it
seem that all the sick kittys end up in certain houses &
other houses that have just as many kittys, they are all well?
Another house where all the kittys seem to have problems is
where my Best Buddy Boo lives with Angela & Laura.
Boo's sister Eleanor spent the week at the hospital &
had to have surgery to remove a hairball ! Thankfully
all went great with the surgery & Eleanor is now home
recovering & I know my Boo is watching out for her
& keeping his other brothers & sisters away.
Then I went to take care of Angel for a week & he needed
pills to help a possible heart problem. As it all worked out
he does not have a heart problem & I was sure thrilled
to hear that !
The best news of all-I went for almost 2 weeks to visit with
Ben, Edgar &
Make sure you visit the picture album cause there is now a
picture of Eliot !! Eliot was the kitty at that
house that I never saw except for maybe the tip of his ears
when I searched the attic for him. This time he not only came
down for an appearance, but he played as well ! & the
very best- I actually got to pet him !!! Not much-a little
hand on the head but heck-I'll take anything I can get.
Eliot was also walking right up to me to take catnip from
my hand. Boy I sure love that feeling when a shy or
scared or abused kitty or doggy trusts you enough to come
Speaking of pictures-Snowball
is a new buddy- he is a bunny! We lost Sally from our
family tho :( . Sally had an accident and went on up to
wait for us at Rainbow Bridge.
Snowball is the new bunny with Carol & Chuck, & they
also got a new puppy-Riley. I went to check on Snowball
for a couple days but Riley went with his family so I haven't
met him yet.
Can you believe it's almost July 4th already?? I know
I am one that is definitely enjoying this summer. My pool
temperature has been 88 degrees! How nice to be swimming
when I am in between visiting with all of you. It gets
me nice & refreshed for my next visits! I just realized
-none of my own fluffys here have fallen in the pool this
year. Shaney, Sammy & Shey did chase a duck onto the solar
cover one time but the cover held & when they started
getting wet paw-sys they ran right off.
When I am out there & Max is in his kennel, he has his
own wadding pool that he loves to stand in & he plays
in the hose when my husband holds it out for him. In
fact-a few days ago when I was roller-blading in the cemetery,
there were some sprinklers going on the lawns & Max took
off toward them & was running thru them & jumping
around !! It was a hot morning that day & if I wasn't
so "human conscious" I almost went playing thru
them also :) hehehehe Lets hope the summer
stays this nice & hot, and that none of all you fluffy
buddies have any accidents around the pools. We also
must remember not to leave the dogs out in the sun with no
protection, or in cars with the windows up. I do not
want to hear about any of buddies meeting the fate of that
poor dog recently that was tied outside & ended up dying
from sun/heat exposure. I suppose this is not the proper
place to express my feelings about what I think should be
done to the owner of that dog.
That'll do it for this version- I have a new program on my
computer that I need to figure out how it works cause I am
working on a very special Christmas surprise for all of you!!
hehehehehe I will not tell- it's a surprise
! I will also not tell any of you fluffy buddies
just in case--- have you seen that commercial when the guy
says the only one that knows his secret recipe is Duke &
he's not talking---then they switch to Duke holding an
auction for the recipe??? hehehehehe So
I'm not taking any chances that any of you may know Duke
!! It'll be great tho--
Have a wonderful 4th of July- stay healthy & happy !!
Hope to see you all very soon!
LOVE YA BUNCHES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created 6/27/2001