know- it's been way too long, but what a summer I have had. First
of all I have some very sad news :( My own kitty KwanDo continued
to decline even with all the medication & love I was giving
him & on August 5th he passed away & went off to
with all our other fluffy buddies up at Rainbow
Bridge. It does bring comfort to know there are so many great
buddies up there with open paws & hearts to welcome my "big-guy".
He is truly missed by, not only his Mom & Dad, but his kitty siblings
too. Suzi, who I adopted with Kwan, was very depressed for a few days.
She just laid on Kwan's favorite robe under the bed. She is now coming
out tho & seems to be adjusting. Shaney has taken over Kwan's
role as big brother to Suzi. For those of you who knew about Kwan's
passing I want to Thank You deeply for your words of compassion &
nice cards.
This is gonna be fun!!!
all this going on & the 4th of July holiday coming up, wasn't
I just lucky enough that on my way out of a home, I stepped into a
hole in the ground & sprained my ankle! So those of
you who saw me over the 4th, know that, I was quite the gimpy one!
That put me behind in my office work since it was
taking me twice as long to hobble my way thru your visits! Then
a couple weeks ago my computer went down for 2 weeks while I waited
for a new mother-board! I have just finally today found the
top of my desk again! Note: none of these things ever happen
when it's my quiet times!! Always in the summer when I am at my busiest!
So instead of working & keeping up with all the "boring"
parts of my job, I would come home & sit with my ankle in the
air & eat candy !! Shall I mention-- good for the
butt--NOT !! & no exercising either! Max put on a pound during
my lay-up, I didn't weigh myself--no use depressing me more! hehehe
On the Shaney front- Yup-- I will be crawling under the waterbed
to give him meds
for rest of his life!! (got to watch my butt size now!)
Oh joy on joy!!!!! Like I didn't expect that to happen!! I don't
know what the heck is going around with a lot of our kitty buddies
but it seems many of them are getting some kind-of "flu"
like sickness. Luckily all have been recovering with antibiotics but
they get so terribly sick. I have never seen so many get the same
type of illness at the same time like this. I continue to send
loving thoughts to all recovering kitties.
Boy have I been
busy signing up new buddies to our family! There are so many that
I will have to just welcome them all by name. First we have:
& Jody who live with Laura & Mike- Mike is
the photographer who
took the wonderful
picture of Max
& me that is now on the main
fluffypaw page!
Timothy &
Robin-beautiful Himalayans &
their 'parents' Pam & Richard;
Minnie-a Cairn Terrier who is 15! & has
lived it all with Carolyn & Ken;
Taffy- a new buddy of Max's & her people
Meg & Jim;
Max &
Sandy who live with David & his
daughters along with Chester & Elvis too!;
Ash, Cinder &
Speaker who's parents are George & Melinda &
their "uncle" is one
of our buddies-T.J.;
Here's a bunch- ( I thought Hollie had A
diabetic cat! ) but when I arrived I met
Max, Pumpkin, Abby, Eddie, Eadie,
YumYum; 4 Guinea
pigs & ( I think)--
18 gerbils !!!
Lucy & Tiffany & dad David;
Max the kitty who really missed Fern &
Winston- cute puppy beagle with Phyllis
& Jeff;
JesseBob, Sadie & Lucy who I'll care for
while Cindy & Jerry are away;
And finally, I will visit Sherman every day
while Rich works!
One of our long-time fluffy buddies Humphrey,
Sweetie & Bela have
welcomed Junior into their home. I think the decision was made
by Paula without consulting the others tho!
And another new add-but of the human
"breed"- Huge Congrats to Kim & Carl for adopting their second daughter from China!!
Now I would like to share with all of you, a
letter I received from Kate. It shows that the simple things in life can
bring so much joy, a lesson that all of us pet-lovers understand all to
well but it still brought tears:
Dear Jill,
wanted to Thank-you again & give you a little update on what your
generosity helped accomplish. You sent us a stuffed, furry dog bone toy,
one pink & one purple w/darker spots of the same color on each.
We call them "Spots", at least that is how Dakota, our 9
yr. old Aussie identifies them. He loves them. When people
come to visit he says "hi" first-briefly, then runs off only
to come back w/"Spots". Always skittish, the years mellowed
him. So one day this week I finally decided to take Dakota & Spots
w/me to work. I work with senior folks who are developmentally
disabled at a day treatment setting. Dakota was a huge hit w/his
toy. He would run & chase his Spots & then drop it back into the
lap of whoever threw it & look adoringly & attentively into
their face. What a reaction he got! He brought smiles &
laughter to the room. After all these years, Dakota has finally entered
Pet Therapy-he will certainly go again to work w/me-to a welcome
audience. Spots were the big ice breakers. I never buy those kind of
toys, so Thank-you from the heart for your act of kindness that started
it all.
& Alex, Claire, Rochelle, Bolivia & Dakota !
Thank you Kate for letting me know that- & a
special smooch to you & Dakota for the special work you do. Pet
Therapy programs are to me, the most intriguing & fascinating process
to help less fortunate people & it was extremely touching to hear
that a small gesture of mine inspired such an impact in that
field. My thoughts are prayers that you and Dakota are able to
continue your special work.
That will do it for this edition of the newsletter.
I think of you all so many times during the day & always wish for
your health & happiness. I miss you all-my fluffy buddies-
& I look forward to visiting with all of you soon & to
set the record straight- Hi & SMOOCH to my special Best-est Buddy
Boo !!!
YA ALL BUNCHES !!!!!!!!!!!!